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时间: 2024-09-29 02:58:54


1. The choir will entonner a beautiful hymn during the church service.


2. The opera singer will entonner an aria from a famous opera.


3. The soloist entonnered the national anthem at the beginning of the event.


4. 在音乐会上,合唱团将会entonner一首古典音乐作品。

(The choir will entonner a classical music piece at the concert.)

5. 作为开幕式的一部分,学生们将entonner一首动情的歌曲。

(As part of the opening ceremony, the students will entonner an emotional song.)

6. 她的美妙歌声使得她能够entonner各种类型的音乐。

(Her beautiful voice allows her to entonner a variety of musical genres.)

7. 音乐家们将会entonner一首特别为这个场合创作的歌曲。

(The musicians will entonner a song specially composed for the occasion.)

8. 这位歌手将会entonner一首流行歌曲,以娱乐观众。

(The singer will entonner a pop song to entertain the audience.)

9. 在婚礼上,歌手们将会entonner一些浪漫的歌曲。

(At the wedding, the singers will entonner some romantic songs.)

10. 音乐会上,合唱团将会entonner一首庄严肃穆的赞美诗。

(The choir will entonner a solemn hymn at the concert.)

11. 他们将会entonner一首充满活力的歌曲,以激励观众。

(They will entonner a lively song to inspire the audience.)

12. 孩子们将会entonner一首童谣,为校园活动增添乐趣。

(The children will entonner a nursery rhyme to add fun to the school event.)

13. 他们将会entonner一首节日歌曲,庆祝这个特别的日子。

(They will entonner a holiday song to celebrate the special day.)

14. 音乐家们将会entonner一首动听的旋律,以表达自己的情感。

(The musicians will entonner a catchy melody to express their emotions.)

15. 她将会entonner一首令人感动的歌曲,向逝去的亲人致敬。

(She will entonner a touching song to pay tribute to her departed loved ones.)

16. 他们将会entonner一首悠扬的曲调,为观众带来宁静与安宁。

(They will entonner a melodious tune to bring peace and tranquility to the audience.)

17. 在音乐会上,歌手们将会entonner一首传统的民谣。

(At the concert, the singers will entonner a traditional folk song.)

18. 他们将会entonner一首振奋人心的歌曲,以鼓舞士气。

(They will entonner an uplifting song to boost morale.)

19. 音乐家们将会entonner一首欢快的歌曲,为观众带来快乐。

(The musicians will entonner a cheerful song to bring joy to the audience.)

20. 她的歌声将会entonner整个房间,让每个人都为之倾倒。

(Her singing will entonner the entire room, captivating everyone.)

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