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时间: 2024-09-20 11:32:07


1. The chef rissoler the potatoes until they were crispy and golden brown.


2. She rissoler the chicken in a hot pan before adding it to the stew.


3. The recipe calls for rissolering the meat with onions and garlic.


4. The chef rissolered the vegetables to give them a rich, caramelized flavor.


5. The potatoes were rissolered to perfection, with a crispy exterior and fluffy interior.


6. She rissolered the fish in butter and herbs, creating a delicious and fragrant dish.


7. The chef's secret to a perfect steak is to rissoler it in a hot pan before finishing it in the oven.


8. The onions were rissolered until they were soft and translucent, adding a sweet flavor to the dish.


9. The chef demonstrated how to rissoler the mushrooms to bring out their rich, earthy flavor.


10. Rissolering the meat in a hot pan helps to seal in the juices and create a flavorful crust.


11. 这道菜需要先把肉炸一下再烧煮。

(This dish requires the meat to be rissolered before simmering.)

12. 厨师用黄油和香料把蔬菜炸香。

(The chef rissolered the vegetables in butter and herbs.)

13. 把土豆炸成金黄色和酥脆是这个食谱的关键步骤。

(The key step in this recipe is to rissoler the potatoes until golden and crispy.)

14. 炸肉使它更有口感,同时锁住了肉汁。

(Rissolering the meat gives it a better texture and locks in the juices.)

15. 她把鱼炸得香气四溢,吸引了所有人的注意。

(She rissolered the fish, filling the air with its enticing aroma.)

16. 这道菜的味道来自于炸过的洋葱和大蒜。

(The flavor of this dish comes from the rissolered onions and garlic.)

17. 她不知疲倦地炸着蔬菜,直到它们变得香甜可口。

(She tirelessly rissolered the vegetables until they became sweet and flavorful.)

18. 炸土豆的香酥口感是这道菜的亮点。

(The crispy texture of the rissolered potatoes is the highlight of this dish.)

19. 炸过的肉块被加入到炖菜中,增添了浓厚的风味。

(The rissolered meat pieces were added to the stew, adding a rich flavor.)

20. 这位厨师用特殊的技巧炸着肉,让它变得香嫩可口。

(The chef used special techniques to rissoler the meat, making it tender and delicious.)

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