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时间: 2024-09-17 13:41:55


1. The police officers brutalement arrested the suspect, causing public outrage. (警察 brutalement 逮捕了嫌疑犯,引起了公众愤怒。)

2. The dictator brutalement suppressed any form of dissent in the country. (独裁者 brutalement 镇压了该国任何形式的异议。)

3. The protesters were brutalement dispersed by the riot police. (抗议者被暴力驱散了。)

4. The company brutalement laid off hundreds of employees without any warning. (该公司 brutalement 裁员了数百名员工,没有任何预警。)

5. The soldiers brutalement attacked the civilian village, causing widespread destruction. (士兵们 brutalement 攻击了平民村庄,造成了广泛的破坏。)

6. The teacher was brutalement bullied by her students, leading to her resignation. (这位老师受到学生的 brutalement 欺凌,导致她辞职。)

7. The criminal brutalement assaulted his victim, leaving them severely injured. (罪犯 brutalement 攻击了他的受害者,造成了严重的伤害。)

8. The workers were brutalement exploited by their employers, with long hours and low pay. (工人们被雇主 brutalement 压榨,工作时间长,工资低。)

9. The prisoner was brutalement interrogated by the authorities, in violation of human rights. (囚犯被当局 brutalement 审讯,违反了人权。)

10. The animal was brutalement mistreated by its owner, leading to a rescue operation. (动物受到了主人的 brutalement 虐待,导致了一次救援行动。)

11. The victim was brutalement robbed of all her belongings at knifepoint. (受害者在持刀抢夺中被 brutalement 抢走了所有的财物。)

12. The protestors were brutalement dispersed by tear gas and water cannons. (抗议者被 brutalement 用催泪瓦斯和水炮驱散。)

13. The workers were brutalement treated by their exploitative employers, leading to a strike. (工人们被剥削性雇主 brutalement 对待,导致了一次罢工。)

14. The prisoner was brutalement beaten by the guards in the prison. (囚犯在监狱里被看守 brutalement 打击。)

15. The civilians were brutalement caught in the crossfire between warring factions. (平民被卷入了交战派系之间的 brutalement 交火。)

16. The political dissidents were brutalement silenced by the authoritarian regime. (政治异见者被威权政权 brutalement 镇压。)

17. The protesters were brutalement arrested and detained without due process. (抗议者被 brutalement 逮捕并在未经正当程序的情况下被拘留。)

18. The workers were brutalement exploited in the sweatshop, working in hazardous conditions. (工人们在血汗工厂被 brutalement 压榨,在危险的环境中工作。)

19. The peaceful demonstration was brutalement disrupted by the arrival of armed forces. (和平示威被武装部队的到来 brutalement 打断。)

20. The student was brutalement bullied by his classmates, causing emotional distress. (这名学生被同学 brutalement 欺负,导致了情绪困扰。)

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