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时间: 2024-09-18 08:47:35


1. She handed me a feuille of paper with all the information I needed for the meeting.


2. The feuille of lettuce was used as a wrap for the delicious chicken filling.


3. He wrote his thoughts on a feuille of parchment and sealed it with wax.


4. The chef carefully arranged the feuille of chocolate on the dessert plate.


5. The feuille of music in front of the orchestra conductor contained all the instructions for the performance.


6. 他在一张纸上写了一封情书。

(He wrote a love letter on a feuille of paper.)

7. 这幅油画是用一张画纸完成的。

(The oil painting was completed on a feuille of paper.)

8. 这是一篇关于环保的演讲稿。

(This is a feuille of speech about environmental protection.)

9. 老师递给我一张考试试卷。

(The teacher handed me a feuille of exam paper.)

10. 这本杂志有一篇关于健康饮食的文章。

(This magazine has a feuille of article about healthy eating.)

11. 厨师在厨房里用一张薄片的巧克力制作美味的甜点。

(The chef used a feuille of chocolate to make delicious desserts in the kitchen.)

12. 指挥在演出前仔细研究了乐谱。

(The conductor carefully studied the feuille of music before the performance.)

13. 她用一张纸写下了她的愿望清单。

(She wrote down her wish list on a feuille of paper.)

14. 这张素描是用一张纸完成的。

(The sketch was completed on a feuille of paper.)

15. 这是一篇关于旅行经历的散文。

(This is a feuille of travel experience essay.)

16. 这张音乐谱是用来指导乐队演奏的。

(The feuille of music is used to guide the band's performance.)

17. 他在一张纸上写了一首诗。

(He wrote a poem on a feuille of paper.)

18. 这是一份新闻稿,介绍了公司的最新动态。

(This is a feuille of press release introducing the latest developments of the company.)

19. 这是一张关于动物保护的传单。

(This is a feuille of leaflet about animal protection.)

20. 这张地图上标明了所有的登山路线。

(The map indicated all the hiking trails on the feuille.)

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