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时间: 2024-09-19 11:44:49


1. The vanter told everyone about his latest achievements at work.

中文解释: 那个自吹自擂的人向大家炫耀他在工作中的最新成就。

2. She's always been a vanter, boasting about her accomplishments.

中文解释: 她一直都是个自夸的人,总是吹嘘自己的成就。

3. The vanter couldn't resist showing off his expensive new car to his friends.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人忍不住向朋友们炫耀他昂贵的新车。

4. His constant vanter behavior made it hard for others to be around him.

中文解释: 他不断自吹自擂的行为让其他人难以忍受。

5. The vanter's stories were often exaggerated and hard to believe.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人的故事经常夸大其词,令人难以置信。

6. She knew he was a vanter, but she still listened politely to his stories.

中文解释: 她知道他是个自夸的人,但还是客气地听着他的故事。

7. The vanter's constant need for attention annoyed his colleagues.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人不断需要关注,让同事们感到恼火。

8. His vanter attitude made it difficult for others to take him seriously.

中文解释: 他的自吹自擂的态度让别人难以认真对待他。

9. The vanter's stories became less believable as time went on.

中文解释: 随着时间的推移,那个自夸的人的故事越来越难以置信。

10. Everyone knew he was a vanter, but they still tolerated him.

中文解释: 大家都知道他是个自夸的人,但他们还是容忍着他。

11. The vanter's constant need for validation made him exhausting to be around.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人不断需要得到认可,让人感到疲惫。

12. His vanter behavior often overshadowed his actual accomplishments.

中文解释: 他的自吹自擂的行为经常掩盖了他真正的成就。

13. The vanter's stories were so over-the-top that no one took them seriously.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人的故事夸张得让人无法认真对待。

14. His vanter attitude often alienated those around him.

中文解释: 他的自吹自擂的态度经常让周围的人感到疏远。

15. The vanter's need for recognition drove him to constantly seek attention.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人对认可的渴求驱使他不断寻求关注。

16. Her friends were tired of her vanter behavior, but they didn't know how to address it.

中文解释: 她的朋友们厌倦了她的自吹自擂的行为,但不知道该如何处理。

17. The vanter's stories often had a kernel of truth buried beneath the exaggeration.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人的故事经常在夸张之下隐藏着一丝真相。

18. His vanter attitude made it difficult for people to genuinely connect with him.

中文解释: 他的自夸的态度让人们难以真正与他建立联系。

19. The vanter's need for validation stemmed from his insecurities.

中文解释: 那个自夸的人对认可的需求源自他的不安全感。

20. Despite his vanter tendencies, he was still a good person at heart.

中文解释: 尽管他有自夸的倾向,但他内心还是个好人。

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