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时间: 2024-09-20 12:52:58


1. I regard him as a trustworthy friend. (我把他视为一个值得信赖的朋友。)

2. She regards her job as a stepping stone to a better career. (她把她的工作视为通往更好职业的垫脚石。)

3. In this culture, punctuality is regarded as a sign of respect. (在这个文化中,守时被视为尊重的表现。)

4. He regards her with admiration and respect. (他以敬佩和尊重的态度看待她。)

5. The company regards customer satisfaction as its top priority. (公司把客户满意视为最重要的事情。)

6. She regards the new policy with skepticism. (她对新政策持怀疑态度。)

7. Many people regard him as a pioneer in the field of science. (许多人把他视为科学领域的先驱。)

8. The court regards the evidence as insufficient to convict the defendant. (法庭认为证据不足以定被告的罪。)

9. I regard honesty as the most important quality in a person. (我认为诚实是一个人最重要的品质。)

10. She regards her family as the most important thing in her life. (她把她的家庭视为她生活中最重要的事情。)

11. The teacher regards hard work and dedication as essential for success. (老师认为努力工作和奉献是成功的必要条件。)

12. He regards criticism as an opportunity for improvement. (他把批评看作是改进的机会。)

13. The company regards environmental sustainability as a key value. (公司把环境可持续性视为核心价值。)

14. She regards her pets as members of the family. (她把她的宠物视为家庭成员。)

15. The government regards public safety as its primary responsibility. (政府把公共安全视为其首要责任。)

16. Many people regard the internet as a powerful tool for communication. (许多人把互联网视为一个强大的沟通工具。)

17. He regards his mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. (他把他的错误看作是学习和成长的机会。)

18. The artist is widely regarded as a visionary in the art world. (这位艺术家被广泛视为艺术界的先锋。)

19. The company regards diversity and inclusion as fundamental to its success. (公司把多样性和包容性视为其成功的基础。)

20. The community regards the local library as a valuable resource. (社区把当地图书馆视为宝贵的资源。)

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