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时间: 2024-09-20 06:37:17


1. The news of her friend's illness contrister her deeply.(她朋友生病的消息让她深感悲伤。)

2. He was contristed by the thought of leaving his family behind.(想到要离开家人让他感到悲伤。)

3. She was contristed by the loss of her beloved pet.(她因失去心爱的宠物而感到悲伤。)

4. The tragic ending of the movie contristed the audience.(电影的悲惨结局使观众感到悲伤。)

5. The sight of the abandoned puppies contristed her heart.(看到被遗弃的小狗让她心痛。)

6. He was contristed by the unfairness of the situation.(他对这种不公平感到悲伤。)

7. The loss of her job contristed her greatly.(失去工作让她非常悲伤。)

8. The suffering of the refugees contristed everyone who heard their stories.(难民的苦难让听到他们故事的每个人都感到悲伤。)

9. The sudden death of his friend contristed him deeply.(朋友的突然去世让他深感悲伤。)

10. The image of the starving children contristed her soul.(饥饿的孩子的形象让她的灵魂感到悲伤。)

11. The news of the natural disaster contristed the entire community.(自然灾害的消息让整个社区感到悲伤。)

12. The separation from her loved ones contristed her heart.(与所爱之人的分离让她心痛。)

13. The thought of never seeing her family again contristed her mind.(再也见不到家人的想法让她感到悲伤。)

14. The old man's loneliness contristed the young visitor.(老人的孤独让年轻的访客感到悲伤。)

15. The war's devastation contristed the entire nation.(战争的破坏让整个国家感到悲伤。)

16. The loss of her childhood home contristed her with memories.(失去童年的家让她充满回忆感到悲伤。)

17. The betrayal of her friend contristed her trust.(朋友的背叛让她对信任感到悲伤。)

18. The sight of the injured animals contristed her compassionate nature.(受伤的动物的景象让她的同情心感到悲伤。)

19. The realization of her own mortality contristed her thoughts.(意识到自己的有限性让她感到悲伤。)

20. The failure of her dream contristed her aspirations.(梦想的失败让她的抱负感到悲伤。)

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