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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:16


1. His assentiment to the proposal was crucial for its success. (他对提案的赞成是其成功的关键。)

2. The assentiment of the board members was unanimous. (董事会成员的同意是一致的。)

3. She nodded in assentiment to the terms of the agreement. (她点头表示同意协议条款。)

4. The team leader sought assentiment from all team members before making the final decision. (团队领导在做出最终决定之前征求了所有团队成员的同意。)

5. His assentiment was evident from the smile on his face. (他脸上的微笑表明了他的同意。)

6. The assentiment of the shareholders was crucial for the merger to proceed. (股东的同意对于合并的进行至关重要。)

7. The committee members expressed their assentiment through a show of hands. (委员会成员通过举手表示了他们的同意。)

8. Without the assentiment of the employees, the new policy cannot be implemented. (没有员工的同意,新政策无法实施。)

9. The assentiment of the public is essential for the success of the campaign. (公众的同意对于活动的成功至关重要。)

10. She waited for his assentiment before proceeding with the presentation. (她在进行演示之前等待他的同意。)

11. The assentiment of the jury was reached after a thorough deliberation. (陪审团经过深入的讨论达成了一致的同意。)

12. His assentiment was conveyed through a formal letter of approval. (他通过正式的批准信表达了他的同意。)

13. The assentiment of the community leaders was sought before implementing the new project. (在实施新项目之前,征求了社区领导的同意。)

14. The assentiment of the team captain was crucial in deciding the next course of action. (队长的同意对于决定下一步行动至关重要。)

15. The assentiment of the audience was evident from their enthusiastic applause. (观众的同意从他们热烈的掌声中显而易见。)

16. The assentiment of the council members was obtained after a lengthy discussion. (在进行了长时间的讨论后,获得了理事会成员的同意。)

17. The assentiment of the customers is a key factor in determining the success of the product. (顾客的同意是决定产品成功的关键因素。)

18. His assentiment was implicit in his willingness to participate in the project. (他愿意参与项目表明了他的同意。)

19. The assentiment of the authorities was required before the construction could commence. (在施工开始之前需要当局的同意。)

20. She sought assentiment from her colleagues before finalizing the budget proposal. (在最终确定预算提案之前,她征求了同事的同意。)

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