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时间: 2024-10-07 01:45:08


1. The inégal distribution of wealth in the country has led to social unrest.


2. The inégal treatment of employees based on their gender is unacceptable.


3. The inégal access to education has created a divide between the rich and the poor.


4. The inégal pay scale within the company has caused dissatisfaction among the employees.


5. The inégal distribution of resources has resulted in widespread poverty in the region.


6. The inégal treatment of minorities has been a long-standing issue in this society.


7. The inégal opportunities for career advancement have hindered many talented individuals.


8. The inégal distribution of healthcare resources has led to disparities in health outcomes.


9. The inégal treatment of different social classes has fueled class conflicts.


10. The inégal tax burden disproportionately affects low-income families.


11. 在这个国家,财富的不平等分配导致了社会的不稳定。

12. 基于性别对待员工的不公平是不可接受的。

13. 对教育的不平等获取造成了富人和穷人之间的鸿沟。

14. 公司内部的不平等工资标准引起了员工的不满。

15. 资源的不平等分配导致了该地区的普遍贫困。

16. 对少数族裔的不平等对待是这个社会长期存在的问题。

17. 事业发展的不平等机会阻碍了许多有才华的人。

18. 医疗资源的不平等分配导致了健康结果的不平等。

19. 对不同社会阶层的不平等对待助长了阶级冲突。

20. 不平等的税收负担不成比例地影响了低收入家庭。

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