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时间: 2024-10-06 18:50:49


1. The coursier delivered the urgent package within an hour. (快递员在一个小时内送达了紧急包裹。)

2. The coursier rode his bike through the busy streets to make the delivery. (快递员骑着自行车穿过繁忙的街道送货。)

3. She works as a coursier for a local delivery company. (她在一家当地快递公司工作作为快递员。)

4. The coursier was praised for his swift and reliable service. (快递员因其迅速可靠的服务而受到赞扬。)

5. The coursier always ensures that the packages are delivered safely and on time. (快递员始终确保包裹安全准时送达。)

6. 快递员在寒风中仍然坚持送货。

7. 快递员在繁忙的城市中穿梭,为客户送货。

8. 快递员每天都要处理大量的包裹。

9. 这家快递公司的快递员服务态度很好。

10. 快递员需要具备良好的地理知识来快速送达包裹。

11. The coursier rode his motorcycle to deliver the package. (快递员骑着摩托车送货。)

12. The coursier's efficiency and dedication make him a valuable asset to the delivery company. (快递员的高效和敬业使他成为快递公司的宝贵资产。)

13. The coursier always wears a bright uniform for visibility on the road. (快递员总是穿着鲜艳的制服以便在路上被看到。)

14. 这个快递员每天都要跑好几个区送货。

15. 快递员需要具备良好的沟通能力与客户交流。

16. The coursier navigated through the traffic to deliver the package on time. (快递员在交通拥堵中穿行,及时送达包裹。)

17. 这位快递员已经连续工作了八个小时了。

18. The company hired additional coursiers to handle the increased demand during the holiday season. (公司雇佣了额外的快递员来处理节假日季节的增加需求。)

19. The coursier's job is physically demanding but rewarding. (快递员的工作虽然辛苦但是收获丰厚。)

20. 快递员需要具备良好的时间管理能力来保证准时送达。

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