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时间: 2024-10-07 00:51:51


1. The earthquake was a catastrophé for the small town, leaving buildings in ruins and many people homeless. (地震是对这个小镇的一场灾难,让建筑物倒塌,许多人无家可归。)

2. The airline industry faced a catastrophé when the pandemic caused a sharp decline in travel demand. (当疫情导致旅行需求急剧下降时,航空业面临了一场灾难。)

3. The forest fire was a catastrophé for the local ecosystem, destroying acres of land and displacing wildlife. (森林大火对当地生态系统来说是一场灾难,摧毁了大片土地,使野生动物流离失所。)

4. The company experienced a financial catastrophé when their major investor pulled out unexpectedly. (当他们的主要投资者意外撤资时,这家公司经历了一场财务灾难。)

5. The flood was a catastrophé for the farmers, destroying their crops and livelihoods. (洪水对农民来说是一场灾难,摧毁了他们的庄稼和生计。)

6. The war brought a catastrophé to the country, leading to widespread destruction and loss of life. (战争给这个国家带来了一场灾难,导致了广泛的破坏和生命的丧失。)

7. The volcanic eruption was a catastrophé for the nearby communities, covering them in ash and causing respiratory problems. (火山喷发对附近社区来说是一场灾难,覆盖了它们,导致了呼吸问题。)

8. The economic downturn was a catastrophé for many businesses, leading to closures and layoffs. (经济衰退对许多企业来说是一场灾难,导致关闭和裁员。)

9. The hurricane was a catastrophé for the coastal residents, causing widespread damage to homes and infrastructure. (飓风对沿海居民来说是一场灾难,造成了家园和基础设施的广泛破坏。)

10. The pandemic has been a catastrophé for the global economy, leading to recession and widespread unemployment. (疫情对全球经济来说是一场灾难,导致了经济衰退和广泛失业。)

11. The terrorist attack was a catastrophé for the city, leaving a trail of destruction and fear in its wake. (恐怖袭击对这座城市来说是一场灾难,在它的背后留下了破坏和恐惧。)

12. The oil spill was a catastrophé for the marine life in the area, causing extensive environmental damage. (油漏对该地区的海洋生物来说是一场灾难,造成了广泛的环境破坏。)

13. The collapse of the bridge was a catastrophé for the transportation system, causing major disruptions and delays. (桥梁倒塌对交通系统来说是一场灾难,导致了重大的中断和延误。)

14. The political unrest has been a catastrophé for the stability of the country, leading to social upheaval and division. (政治动荡对国家的稳定来说是一场灾难,导致了社会动荡和分裂。)

15. The chemical spill was a catastrophé for the local water supply, leading to contamination and health concerns. (化学泄漏对当地供水系统来说是一场灾难,导致了污染和健康问题。)

16. The collapse of the housing market was a catastrophé for many homeowners, leading to financial hardship and foreclosure. (房地产市场崩溃对许多房主来说是一场灾难,导致了财务困难和被迫拍卖。)

17. The power outage was a catastrophé for the hospital, leading to critical equipment failure and patient care challenges. (停电对医院来说是一场灾难,导致了关键设备故障和病人护理挑战。)

18. The drought was a catastrophé for the agricultural sector, leading to crop failures and food shortages. (干旱对农业部门来说是一场灾难,导致了作物歉收和食品短缺。)

19. The collapse of the government was a catastrophé for the country, leading to political turmoil and uncertainty. (政府垮台对国家来说是一场灾难,导致了政治动荡和不确定性。)

20. The cyber attack was a catastrophé for the company, leading to data breaches and financial losses. (网络攻击对公司来说是一场灾难,导致了数据泄露和财务损失。)

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