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时间: 2024-10-06 21:02:36


1. The tordant response from the audience indicated their disapproval of the speaker's remarks.(观众的尖刻回应表明他们对演讲者的言论不满。)

2. Her tordant wit often left others feeling offended and hurt.(她尖刻的机智常常让别人感到受伤和委屈。)

3. His tordant criticism of the new policy caused tension within the team.(他对新政策的尖刻批评引起了团队内部的紧张。)

4. The tordant humor in the movie was not everyone's cup of tea.(电影中的尖刻幽默并不适合所有人。)

5. She couldn't help but admire his tordant sarcasm, even though it was often directed at her.(尽管他经常对她发出尖刻的讽刺,但她还是忍不住钦佩他的尖刻幽默。)

6. The tordant exchange between the two colleagues escalated into a heated argument.(两位同事之间的尖刻交流升级为激烈的争论。)

7. His tordant remarks about her appearance left her feeling self-conscious and insecure.(他对她外表的尖刻评论让她感到自我意识和不安。)

8. The tordant tone of his email was off-putting and unprofessional.(他邮件中的尖刻语气令人反感,也不够专业。)

9. The tordant edge to her voice revealed her frustration and disappointment.(她声音中的尖刻边缘透露出她的沮丧和失望。)

10. His tordant sense of humor often crossed the line into cruelty.(他尖刻的幽默常常越过了界限,变得残忍起来。)

11. 她的尖刻评论引起了许多争议。

12. 他的尖刻幽默并不适合所有人。

13. 尖刻的言辞引起了不必要的冲突。

14. 尽管他的话有点尖刻,但也包含了一些真理。

15. 她的尖刻批评让团队气氛变得紧张。

16. 他总是用尖刻的语气发表评论,让人感到不舒服。

17. 对方的尖刻回应让她感到委屈。

18. 虽然他的幽默有点尖刻,但也颇具趣味。

19. 她的尖刻言辞让人感到受伤。

20. 在他的尖刻批评下,她感到非常沮丧。

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