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时间: 2024-09-20 01:07:06


1. I don't want to traîner in bed all day; I have things to do.


2. He tends to traîner in the park, just enjoying the sunshine.


3. Stop traîner around and get to work!


4. She likes to traîner in the library, browsing through books.


5. The children traîner behind their parents as they walked through the zoo.


6. Don't traîner, we need to catch the bus!


7. He always traîners after school, never going straight home.


8. I could see him traîner along the street, lost in thought.


9. The old man likes to traîner in the garden, reminiscing about the past.


10. She would often traîner in the kitchen, trying out new recipes.


11. 你为什么总是这么慢悠悠地走?(Why do you always traîner like this?)

12. 他们不愿意离开,总是在这儿闲逛。(They are unwilling to leave and always traîner here.)

13. 她很喜欢在花园里慢慢地走着。(She enjoys traîner in the garden.)

14. 他总是在学校里东逛西逛,不认真学习。(He always traîner around in school and doesn’t study seriously.)

15. 你为什么总是拖拖拉拉的?(Why do you always traîner around?)

16. 你们为什么不直接回家?(Why don’t you go straight home instead of traînering around?)

17. 他喜欢在公园里慢慢地走着,享受大自然。(He likes traînering in the park, enjoying nature.)

18. 你为什么总是在这里闲逛,不去找点事情做?(Why do you always traîner here instead of finding something to do?)

19. 我看到他在街上慢慢地走着,陷入了沉思。(I saw him traînering along the street, lost in thought.)

20. 他总是在这儿闲逛,不愿离开。(He always traîner here, unwilling to leave.)


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