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时间: 2024-09-19 17:37:50


1. The weeping willow tree, or "saule," is known for its graceful, drooping branches.

(垂柳树,或称“ saule”,以其优美的垂枝而闻名)

2. The saule swayed gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the ground.


3. The artist painted a serene landscape with a saule standing by the tranquil pond.


4. As a symbol of resilience, the saule has been featured in many poems and literature.


5. The saule's delicate leaves fluttered in the wind, creating a soothing rustling sound.


6. The saule's long, sweeping branches create an elegant silhouette against the sky.


7. Children love to play under the saule's cascading branches, pretending it's a secret hideout.


8. The saule is often planted near water, as it thrives in moist environments.


9. The saule's weeping appearance gives it a melancholic beauty that captivates many people.


10. The saule's branches can be used in weaving traditional baskets and furniture.


11. 在那片沼泽地上,一棵垂柳婆娑地摇曳着。(In that swamp, a saule swayed gracefully.)

12. 垂柳是公园里最具特色的树木之一。(The saule is one of the most distinctive trees in the park.)

13. 他们在垂柳下举行了浪漫的婚礼仪式。(They held a romantic wedding ceremony under the saule.)

14. 这幅画中展现了一片宁静的湖泊,湖边有一棵垂柳。(The painting depicts a tranquil lake with a saule by the shore.)

15. 垂柳的枝条在微风中轻轻摇摆,像是在低语。(The saule's branches swayed gently in the breeze, as if whispering.)

16. 垂柳是许多人心目中的美丽象征。(The saule is a beautiful symbol in many people's minds.)

17. 他们在垂柳下悠闲地享受着午后的时光。(They leisurely enjoyed the afternoon under the saule.)

18. 垂柳的叶子在阳光下闪烁着银白色的光芒。(The saule's leaves shimmered with a silvery light in the sunlight.)

19. 垂柳是一个常见的公园景观树种。(The saule is a common landscape tree in parks.)

20. 垂柳的优美外形吸引了许多游客。(The graceful appearance of the saule attracts many visitors.)

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