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时间: 2024-10-06 16:44:35


1. The Eisgang in the river caused the water levels to rise rapidly. (河流的冰雪融化导致水位迅速上升。)

2. The Eisgang blocked the flow of the river, causing flooding downstream. (冰雪融化导致河流堵塞,引发了下游的洪水。)

3. The Eisgang is a natural phenomenon that occurs during the spring thaw. (Eisgang是春天融化时自然发生的现象。)

4. The Eisgang can be dangerous for boats and ships navigating the river. (Eisgang对于航行河流的船只来说是危险的。)

5. The Eisgang can create beautiful ice formations along the riverbanks. (Eisgang可以在河岸形成美丽的冰雪景观。)

6. The Eisgang signals the arrival of warmer weather and the end of winter. (Eisgang标志着温暖天气的到来和冬季的结束。)

7. The Eisgang can cause damage to infrastructure built near the river. (Eisgang可能对河流附近的基础设施造成损坏。)

8. The Eisgang can be a spectacle to witness as the ice breaks up and moves downstream. (Eisgang是一场壮观的景象,冰块破裂并向下游流动。)

9. The Eisgang can disrupt transportation and travel along the river. (Eisgang可能会扰乱河流上的交通和旅行。)

10. The Eisgang is an important event for communities living near the river, as it impacts their daily lives. (Eisgang对于居住在河流附近的社区来说是一个重要的事件,因为它会影响他们的日常生活。)

11. Eisgang can pose a risk to people living in low-lying areas near the river. (Eisgang可能对住在河流附近低洼地区的人们构成风险。)

12. The authorities issued warnings about potential Eisgang-related hazards. (当局发布了关于潜在Eisgang相关危险的警告。)

13. The Eisgang brought down trees and debris, causing blockages in the river. (Eisgang引发树木和碎屑的堵塞,导致河流阻塞。)

14. The local residents prepared for the Eisgang by reinforcing their properties and securing their belongings. (当地居民通过加固自己的财产和保护自己的财物来为Eisgang做好准备。)

15. The Eisgang is closely monitored by environmental agencies to assess its impact on the surrounding ecosystem. (环境机构密切监测Eisgang,以评估其对周围生态系统的影响。)

16. The Eisgang event was captured on video by local residents and shared on social media. (Eisgang事件被当地居民拍摄成视频,并在社交媒体上分享。)

17. The Eisgang created a temporary ice dam, causing concern for potential flooding. (Eisgang形成了一个临时的冰坝,引发了对潜在洪水的担忧。)

18. The Eisgang is a reminder of the power of nature and its ability to shape the landscape. (Eisgang提醒人们自然的力量及其塑造景观的能力。)

19. The Eisgang event attracted the attention of scientists and researchers studying river dynamics. (Eisgang事件吸引了研究河流动力学的科学家和研究人员的关注。)

20. The local community came together to support each other during the Eisgang, demonstrating resilience in the face of natural challenges. (当地社区在Eisgang期间团结一致,展现了面对自然挑战的韧性。)

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