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时间: 2024-09-29 00:49:56


1. The property has a beautiful garden and a swimming pool. (这个房产有一个美丽的花园和一个游泳池。)

2. She inherited a large property from her grandparents. (她从她的祖父母那里继承了一处大房产。)

3. The company owns several commercial properties in the city. (该公司在城市里拥有几处商业地产。)

4. It is illegal to trespass on private property. (擅自进入私人财产是违法的。)

5. The landlord is responsible for maintaining the property. (房东负责维护这处房产。)

6. The property values in the area have been steadily increasing. (该地区的房产价值一直在稳步上升。)

7. He invested in rental properties as a source of passive income. (他投资租赁房产作为 passiv e 收入的来源。)

8. The property was damaged in the storm and needs extensive repairs. (这处房产在风暴中受损,需要进行大量修复。)

9. The property is located in a prime location with easy access to transportation. (这处房产位于黄金地段,交通便利。)

10. She put her house on the market as she was looking to sell her property. (她把房子挂牌出售,因为她想卖掉自己的房产。)

11. The property line between the two houses is clearly marked. (两栋房子之间的产权界线清晰可见。)

12. The property developer is planning to build a new residential complex. (这家房地产开发商计划建设一个新的住宅综合体。)

13. The property tax for the year is due at the end of the month. (本年度的房产税将在月底到期。)

14. He was caught trespassing on private property and was fined by the authorities. (他被发现擅自进入私人财产,被当局处以罚款。)

15. The property has a historical significance and is protected by the government. (这处房产具有历史意义,并受到政府的保护。)

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