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时间: 2024-09-29 00:44:10


1. The heavy rain began to saturate the ground, causing flooding in low-lying areas.(大雨开始浸透地面,导致低洼地区发生洪水。)

2. It's important to let the cleaning solution saturate the stain before attempting to remove it.(在尝试清除污渍之前,让清洁溶液充分浸透是很重要的。)

3. The market is already saturated with similar products, so it's difficult to introduce something new.(市场已经饱和了相似产品,因此很难引入新产品。)

4. After a long hike, my clothes were saturated with sweat.(长时间的徒步旅行后,我的衣服被汗水浸透了。)

5. The sponge quickly saturated with water as I cleaned the kitchen counter.(当我清洁厨房台面时,海绵很快被水浸透了。)

6. The air was saturated with the scent of blooming flowers.(空气中弥漫着盛开鲜花的香味。)

7. The market is saturated with competition, making it difficult for new businesses to succeed.(市场竞争激烈,对新企业来说很难成功。)

8. The fabric can only hold so much dye before it becomes saturated and can't absorb any more.(织物只能吸收一定量的染料,一旦饱和就无法再吸收更多。)

9. The company saturated the media with advertisements for their new product.(公司通过大量广告在媒体上宣传他们的新产品。)

10. The soil became saturated after days of heavy rain, leading to mudslides in the area.(连续几天的大雨后,土壤变得饱和,导致该地区发生了泥石流。)

11. The market is saturated with cheap, low-quality goods.(市场上充斥着廉价低质量的商品。)

12. The sponge was unable to absorb any more liquid because it was already saturated.(海绵已经饱和了,无法再吸收更多的液体。)

13. The market became saturated with similar apps, making it hard for new ones to gain a foothold.(市场上充斥着类似的应用程序,使得新应用难以立足。)

14. The team tried to saturate the opposing team's defense with a barrage of attacks.(球队试图通过一系列的进攻来饱和对方的防守。)

15. The sponge became saturated with soap and water as I washed the dishes.(当我洗碗的时候,海绵被肥皂和水浸透了。)

上一个 【英语】satisfaction的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】saturation的例句



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