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时间: 2024-09-29 00:44:00


1. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for the patient's infection. (医生为患者的感染开了抗生素。)

2. The therapist prescribed daily exercise as part of the treatment plan. (治疗师建议每天锻炼作为治疗计划的一部分。)

3. The psychiatrist prescribed medication to help manage the patient's anxiety. (精神科医生开了药物来帮助控制患者的焦虑。)

4. The dentist prescribed a special toothpaste for the patient's sensitive teeth. (牙医为患者敏感的牙齿开了一种特殊的牙膏。)

5. The nutritionist prescribed a personalized meal plan for the client to follow. (营养师为客户制定了个性化的饮食计划。)

6. The veterinarian prescribed flea medication for the dog's skin condition. (兽医为狗的皮肤状况开了跳蚤药物。)

7. The optometrist prescribed new glasses for the patient's vision correction. (验光师为患者的视力矫正开了新眼镜。)

8. The physiotherapist prescribed a series of exercises to help with the patient's rehabilitation. (理疗师为患者开了一系列的锻炼来帮助康复。)

9. The allergist prescribed allergy medication for the child's seasonal allergies. (过敏科医生为孩子的季节性过敏开了过敏药物。)

10. The dermatologist prescribed a topical cream for the patient's eczema. (皮肤科医生为患者的湿疹开了一种局部用药膏。)

11. The cardiologist prescribed medication to regulate the patient's blood pressure. (心脏病医生开了药物来调节患者的血压。)

12. The gynecologist prescribed birth control pills for the patient. (妇科医生为患者开了避孕药。)

13. The oncologist prescribed chemotherapy for the cancer patient. (肿瘤科医生为癌症患者开了化疗。)

14. The psychiatrist prescribed therapy sessions to address the patient's depression. (精神科医生为患者开了治疗会话来应对抑郁症。)

15. The pharmacist prescribed over-the-counter medication for the customer's cold symptoms. (药剂师为顾客的感冒症状开了非处方药物。)

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