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时间: 2024-09-29 00:44:08


1. Please turn to the sports section of the newspaper for the latest scores and updates. (请翻到报纸上的体育版,看看最新的比分和更新。)

2. The history section of the museum is filled with artifacts from ancient civilizations. (博物馆的历史部分陈列着古代文明的文物。)

3. This book has a section on grammar that explains the rules in detail. (这本书有一个关于语法的部分,详细解释了规则。)

4. I'll meet you in the fiction section of the library. (我会在图书馆的小说区见你。)

5. The science section of the magazine features articles about recent discoveries and innovations. (杂志的科学版块有关于最新发现和创新的文章。)

6. The math section of the test was particularly challenging for me. (数学部分的考试对我来说特别具有挑战性。)

7. We need to organize the clothing section of the store before the new shipment arrives. (新货到达之前,我们需要整理一下商店的服装区。)

8. The business section of the newspaper provides insights into the current market trends. (报纸的商业版块提供了对当前市场趋势的洞察。)

9. I always head to the food section of the bookstore to find new recipes and cookbooks. (我总是去书店的食品部寻找新食谱和烹饪书籍。)

10. The health section of the website offers tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle. (网站的健康部分提供了保持平衡生活方式的建议。)

11. The art section of the gallery showcases paintings and sculptures from local artists. (画廊的艺术部分展示了本地艺术家的绘画和雕塑作品。)

12. The travel section of the magazine has inspiring stories about different destinations. (杂志的旅行版块有关于不同目的地的鼓舞人心的故事。)

13. The music section of the store has a wide selection of vinyl records and CDs. (商店的音乐部分有丰富的黑胶唱片和CD可供选择。)

14. The education section of the conference focused on innovative teaching methods. (会议的教育部分专注于创新的教学方法。)

15. I always enjoy browsing through the gardening section of the bookstore to get ideas for my backyard. (我总是喜欢翻阅书店的园艺部分,以获取我后院的种植灵感。)

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