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时间: 2024-09-29 00:55:22


1. The biologist collected a specimen of the rare butterfly for study. (生物学家收集了一只稀有蝴蝶的标本以供研究。)

2. The museum has a diverse collection of plant specimens from around the world. (博物馆收藏了来自世界各地的多种植物标本。)

3. The doctor sent the specimen to the lab for analysis. (医生把标本送到实验室进行分析。)

4. The archaeologist carefully excavated the specimen of ancient pottery. (考古学家小心翼翼地挖掘了古陶器的标本。)

5. The entomologist examined the insect specimen under a microscope. (昆虫学家在显微镜下检查昆虫标本。)

6. The zoo has a specimen of the endangered species on display. (动物园展出了濒危物种的标本。)

7. The botanist identified the specimen as a new species of flower. (植物学家确认这个标本是一种新的花卉物种。)

8. The museum curator carefully preserved the delicate bird specimen. (博物馆馆长小心翼翼地保存了这只精致的鸟类标本。)

9. The geologist collected a specimen of rock from the mountain for analysis. (地质学家从山上收集了一块岩石标本进行分析。)

10. The veterinarian took a specimen of the dog's blood for testing. (兽医取了狗的血标本进行测试。)

11. The researcher used the specimen to study the genetic makeup of the species. (研究人员利用标本研究了该物种的基因组成。)

12. The scientist carefully labeled each specimen with detailed information. (科学家仔细地用详细信息标注了每个标本。)

13. The botanist pressed the plant specimen to preserve it for future reference. (植物学家将植物标本压制保存以供将来参考。)

14. The museum's collection includes a specimen of a dinosaur bone. (博物馆的收藏品包括一块恐龙骨头的标本。)

15. The ornithologist added a new bird specimen to the museum's ornithology collection. (鸟类学家为博物馆的鸟类学收藏增添了一只新的鸟类标本。)

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