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时间: 2024-09-29 02:50:09


1. The state of California is known for its beautiful coastline and diverse landscapes. (加利福尼亚州以其美丽的海岸线和多样化的地形而闻名。)

2. The state of the economy will be a major factor in the upcoming election. (经济状况将是即将举行的选举中的一个主要因素。)

3. She was in a state of shock after hearing the news. (她听到消息后处于震惊状态。)

4. The state of the art technology in this new smartphone is impressive. (这款新智能手机的尖端技术令人印象深刻。)

5. The state of the house was a mess after the party. (派对后房子的状况一片狼藉。)

6. The state of the patient's health is gradually improving. (病人的健康状况逐渐好转。)

7. The state of the negotiations is still uncertain. (谈判的状态仍然不确定。)

8. The state of emergency was declared due to the natural disaster. (因自然灾害宣布了紧急状态。)

9. She's in a good state of mind to tackle the challenges ahead. (她心态良好,准备迎接未来的挑战。)

10. The state of the environment is a growing concern for many people. (环境状况成为越来越多人关注的问题。)

11. The state of the company's finances is stable. (公司财务状况稳定。)

12. The state of the road infrastructure needs improvement. (道路基础设施的状况需要改善。)

13. The state of the garden was lush and vibrant in the spring. (春天,花园的状况繁茂生机。)

14. The state of the education system is a topic of debate among policymakers. (教育体系的状况是决策者们争论的话题。)

15. The state of the art museum showcases some of the finest works of contemporary art. (这家最先进的博物馆展示了一些当代艺术的精品作品。)

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