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时间: 2024-09-29 02:59:33


1. I need to buy some stationery before I start my new job - 我需要在开始新工作之前购买一些文具。

2. The stationery store has a wide variety of pens, pencils, and notebooks - 文具店有各种各样的钢笔、铅笔和笔记本。

3. She organized her stationery neatly in her desk drawer - 她把文具整齐地放在抽屉里。

4. The company provided us with a set of branded stationery for our office use - 公司为我们提供了一套品牌文具供办公使用。

5. I love browsing through stationery shops and admiring all the cute notebooks and pens - 我喜欢逛文具店,欣赏所有可爱的笔记本和笔。

6. My daughter enjoys collecting different kinds of stationery for her schoolwork - 我女儿喜欢收集各种文具用于她的学习。

7. The stationery cupboard is running low on sticky notes and paper clips - 文具橱柜的便签和回形针快用完了。

8. The stationery set I received as a gift had a beautiful floral design - 我收到的文具套装有漂亮的花卉设计。

9. The shop sells high-quality stationery at affordable prices - 这家店以实惠的价格销售高质量的文具。

10. I always keep a small pouch of stationery in my bag for writing down important notes - 我总是在包里放一小袋文具,方便记下重要的笔记。

11. The children were excited to pick out their own stationery for the new school year - 孩子们很兴奋地挑选自己的新学年文具。

12. The stationery section of the store was filled with colorful pens, markers, and erasers - 店里的文具区摆满了五颜六色的钢笔、记号笔和橡皮擦。

13. I prefer to write letters by hand using beautiful stationery rather than sending emails - 我更喜欢用漂亮的文具手写信件,而不是发电子邮件。

14. The art class required students to bring their own stationery for sketching and drawing - 艺术课要求学生自带文具进行素描和绘画。

15. The stationery shop owner restocked the shelves with new supplies for the upcoming school season - 文具店老板为即将到来的新学季重新填满了货架。

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