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时间: 2024-09-20 11:31:37


1. I'll call you on the telephone later.(我稍后会用电话给你打电话。)

2. The telephone rang just as I was about to leave.(正当我准备离开的时候电话铃响了。)

3. She answered the telephone and took down the message.(她接了电话并记下了留言。)

4. He's on the telephone with a client right now.(他正在和客户通电话。)

5. I prefer talking to people face to face rather than on the telephone.(我更喜欢面对面和人交谈,而不是通过电话。)

6. My grandmother still has a rotary telephone in her house.(我奶奶家里还有一个旋转式电话。)

7. The telephone line was down due to the storm.(电话线由于风暴而中断了。)

8. I need to buy a new telephone charger, as mine is broken.(我需要买一个新的电话充电器,因为我的坏了。)

9. Can you hear me clearly on the telephone?(你在电话里能听清楚我的声音吗?)

10. The telephone booth was out of order, so I couldn't make a call.(电话亭坏了,所以我没法打电话。)

11. She clutched the telephone tightly as she received the shocking news.(她接到震惊的消息时紧紧抓住了电话。)

12. The telephone company is offering a new plan with unlimited calling.(电话公司正在推出一个无限通话的新计划。)

13. He accidentally dropped his telephone in the toilet and had to buy a new one.(他不小心把电话掉进了马桶里,只好买了一个新的。)

14. The telephone interview went well, and I got the job.(电话面试进行得很顺利,我得到了这份工作。)

15. The telephone signal was weak, so the call kept cutting out.(电话信号很弱,所以通话一直中断。)


上一个 【英语】telegram的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】telescope的例句



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