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时间: 2024-09-18 18:58:48


1. She has a quick temper and often gets angry over small things. (她脾气很急,经常因小事发火。)

2. His temper flared when he found out that his project had been canceled. (当他发现他的项目被取消时,他勃然大怒。)

3. I need to learn to control my temper and not let little things bother me. (我需要学会控制自己的脾气,不让小事困扰我。)

4. Despite his temper, he is a kind-hearted person. (尽管脾气暴躁,他是一个心地善良的人。)

5. She has a fiery temper, but she always apologizes afterwards. (她脾气火爆,但她总是事后道歉。)

6. He has a volatile temper, and it's best to avoid upsetting him. (他脾气不稳定,最好不要惹他生气。)

7. The boss has a notorious temper, so it's best to approach him with caution. (老板脾气很坏,所以最好小心翼翼地接近他。)

8. Her temper got the best of her, and she said things she later regretted. (她被脾气冲昏了头,说了后来后悔的话。)

9. It's important to keep your temper in check when dealing with difficult customers. (在处理困难客户时,保持冷静是很重要的。)

10. He tried to remain calm, but his temper got the better of him. (他试图保持冷静,但脾气战胜了他。)

11. She has a sweet temper and rarely gets angry. (她脾气很好,很少发火。)

12. His temper got him into trouble at work. (他的脾气惹了他在工作中的麻烦。)

13. I lost my temper and said things I didn't mean. (我发脾气说了一些我不是真心想说的话。)

14. It's important to have a good temper when working in customer service. (在客户服务工作中,保持好脾气很重要。)

15. Her temper tantrums are becoming more frequent, and it's becoming a concern. (她的发脾气越来越频繁,这让人担忧。)

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