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时间: 2024-09-19 17:19:35


1. The wolf pack marked its territory with scent and howls.(狼群用气味和嚎叫标记了它们的领地。)

2. The dispute over the territory between the two countries led to armed conflict.(两国之间关于领土的争端导致了武装冲突。)

3. The cat fiercely defended its territory against any intruders.(猫激烈地保卫着自己的领地,不容许任何闯入者。)

4. The company expanded its territory by opening new stores in different cities.(公司通过在不同城市开设新店扩大了它的业务范围。)

5. The mountain range forms the natural boundary of the territory.(这片山脉构成了领土的自然边界。)

6. The indigenous people have lived in this territory for centuries.(土著人民已经在这片领土上生活了数个世纪。)

7. The territory was once under colonial rule but gained independence in the 20th century.(这片领土曾处于殖民统治之下,但在20世纪获得了独立。)

8. The gang members are known for their violent control over the territory.(这些团伙成员以对领地的暴力控制而出名。)

9. The company's sales team is responsible for covering a specific territory.(公司的销售团队负责覆盖特定的销售区域。)

10. The government is working to protect the natural resources within its territory.(政府正在努力保护领土内的自然资源。)

11. The wildlife sanctuary provides a safe territory for endangered species.(野生动物保护区为濒危物种提供了一个安全的领地。)

12. The artist's paintings often depict the beauty of her native territory.(这位艺术家的画作经常描绘她家乡领土的美丽。)

13. The territory of the ancient empire extended across multiple continents.(古代帝国的领土横跨多个大陆。)

14. The territorial dispute between the neighboring countries has been ongoing for decades.(邻国之间的领土争端已经持续了几十年。)

15. The company's marketing team is focusing on expanding its territory in the Asian market.(公司的营销团队正在专注于扩大它在亚洲市场的业务范围。)

上一个 【英语】terrace的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】testify的例句



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