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时间: 2024-09-19 17:34:10


1. I received a text message from my friend inviting me to a party.(我收到了朋友发来的短信,邀请我参加派对。)

2. The students were asked to analyze a difficult text in their English class.(学生们被要求在英语课上分析一篇难懂的文章。)

3. Please make sure to proofread your text before submitting it for publication.(请务必在提交出版之前对你的文字进行校对。)

4. The text on the sign was too small to read from a distance.(牌子上的字太小了,远处看不清。)

5. The novel is considered a classic text in the field of literature.(这部小说被认为是文学领域的经典之作。)

6. The text of the speech was carefully crafted to inspire and motivate the audience.(演讲的文本经过精心设计,旨在激励和激发听众。)

7. The teacher asked the students to highlight the key points in the text.(老师要求学生们用荧光笔标出文章中的重点。)

8. She found it difficult to understand the text because of the complex vocabulary.(由于复杂的词汇,她发现很难理解这个文章。)

9. The text of the contract clearly outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties.(合同的文本清楚地概述了双方的权利和责任。)

10. The text of the play was full of emotion and drama.(这部剧的文本充满了情感和戏剧性。)

11. Can you please send me the text of the meeting agenda?(你可以把会议议程的文本发给我吗?)

12. The text of the ancient manuscript was written in a language that few people could understand.(古代手稿的文本是用少数人能理解的语言书写的。)

13. The text of the song resonated with the audience, evoking strong emotions.(歌曲的文本引起了观众的共鸣,激起了强烈的情感。)

14. The text in the textbook was accompanied by helpful illustrations.(教科书中的文本配有有用的插图。)

15. He was able to recite the entire text of the poem from memory.(他能够凭记忆背诵整首诗的文本。)

上一个 【英语】protest的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】textile的例句



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