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时间: 2024-09-19 19:39:59


1. He retired from his job last year and is now enjoying his free time. (他去年从工作中退休了,现在正享受着他的空闲时间。)

2. After a long and successful career, she decided to retire and travel the world. (经过一段漫长而成功的职业生涯后,她决定退休并环游世界。)

3. The retired teacher volunteers at the local library to help children with their reading. (退休的老师在当地图书馆做义工,帮助孩子们阅读。)

4. My retired neighbor spends his days gardening and taking care of his grandchildren. (我的退休邻居整天都在园艺和照顾他的孙子孙女。)

5. She retired early and now focuses on her hobbies and spending time with family. (她提前退休,现在专注于她的爱好和和家人相处。)

6. The retired police officer still keeps in touch with his former colleagues. (退休的警察仍然与他的前同事保持联系。)

7. After retiring, he moved to a warmer climate for a more relaxed lifestyle. (退休后,他搬到了一个更温暖的气候地区,过着更轻松的生活。)

8. The retired athlete now coaches young aspiring players in his sport. (退休的运动员现在指导年轻有抱负的运动员。)

9. She retired from her corporate job and started her own small business. (她从公司工作中退休,开始了自己的小生意。)

10. The retired couple enjoys traveling and exploring new places together. (退休的夫妇喜欢一起旅行和探索新的地方。)

11. He retired after 30 years of service in the military. (他在军队服役30年后退休了。)

12. The retired doctor volunteers at a free clinic to provide medical care to those in need. (退休的医生在一家义诊所做义工,为有需要的人提供医疗服务。)

13. After retiring, she took up painting as a new hobby. (退休后,她开始涂鸦作为新的爱好。)

14. The retired couple decided to downsize and move to a smaller house. (退休的夫妇决定缩小规模,搬到一个更小的房子里。)

15. He retired from his position as CEO and now serves on the board of several charitable organizations. (他从CEO的职位退休,现在在几家慈善组织的董事会任职。)

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