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时间: 2024-10-07 04:54:10


1. The technical specifications for the new software are still being finalized. (这款新软件的技术规格还在最终确定中。)

2. She has a strong technical background in computer programming. (她在计算机编程方面有很强的技术背景。)

3. The technical difficulties in the production process have delayed the release of the product. (生产过程中的技术困难延迟了产品的发布。)

4. The technical team is working on troubleshooting the network issues. (技术团队正在解决网络问题。)

5. The company is seeking a technical solution to improve the efficiency of their manufacturing process. (公司正在寻求一种技术解决方案来提高他们的生产效率。)

6. He is responsible for providing technical support to the customers. (他负责为客户提供技术支持。)

7. The technical knowledge required for this project is quite extensive. (这个项目所需的技术知识相当广泛。)

8. The technical department is conducting research on new materials for the construction project. (技术部门正在研究建筑项目的新材料。)

9. The manual provides detailed technical instructions for assembling the furniture. (该手册提供了组装家具的详细技术说明。)

10. The company is investing in technical training programs for its employees. (公司正在为员工投资技术培训项目。)

11. His job involves translating technical documents from English to Chinese. (他的工作涉及将技术文件从英语翻译成中文。)

12. The technical team is conducting tests to ensure the safety of the new product. (技术团队正在进行测试,以确保新产品的安全性。)

13. She has a talent for explaining complex technical concepts in a simple way. (她有能力以简单的方式解释复杂的技术概念。)

14. The technical expertise of the engineers was crucial in solving the problem. (工程师们的技术专长对解决问题至关重要。)

15. The company is looking to hire a technical consultant to advise on the implementation of new software. (公司正在寻求聘请一名技术顾问,就新软件的实施提供建议。)

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