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时间: 2024-09-29 00:45:39


1. The tropical climate of the region makes it an ideal destination for beach holidays. (该地区的热带气候使其成为海滩度假的理想目的地。)

2. The tropical fruits in this market are so fresh and delicious. (这个市场的热带水果非常新鲜美味。)

3. I love the vibrant colors of tropical flowers. (我喜欢热带花朵的鲜艳色彩。)

4. The tropical storm caused widespread damage to the coastal areas. (热带风暴给沿海地区造成了广泛破坏。)

5. She bought a beautiful tropical fish for her aquarium. (她为她的水族箱买了一条漂亮的热带鱼。)

6. The resort is set in a lush tropical garden. (度假村坐落在郁郁葱葱的热带花园中。)

7. The tropical sun was beating down fiercely. (热带的阳光照射得非常强烈。)

8. The tropical rainforest is home to a diverse range of wildlife. (热带雨林是各种野生动物的家园。)

9. We enjoyed a refreshing tropical cocktail by the pool. (我们在泳池边享受了一杯清爽的热带鸡尾酒。)

10. The tropical disease spread rapidly through the village. (热带疾病在村庄迅速蔓延。)

11. The tropical breeze carried the scent of exotic flowers. (热带微风传来异国花香。)

12. The tropical island was a paradise of palm-fringed beaches. (热带岛屿是一片满是棕榈树的沙滩天堂。)

13. We explored the rich marine life of the tropical coral reefs. (我们探索了丰富的热带珊瑚礁海洋生物。)

14. I bought a tropical print dress for my vacation. (我为度假买了一条热带印花连衣裙。)

15. The tropical heat was almost unbearable. (热带的酷热几乎让人难以忍受。)

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