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时间: 2024-09-19 11:23:35


1. The berries on that plant are poisonous, so be careful not to eat them.(那种植物的浆果有毒,所以小心不要吃。)

2. The snake's venom is highly poisonous and can be fatal if not treated promptly.(蛇的毒液非常有毒,如果不及时治疗可能会致命。)

3. She accidentally ingested a poisonous mushroom and had to be rushed to the hospital.(她不小心吃了一种有毒的蘑菇,不得不赶紧送医院。)

4. The chemical spill in the river made the water poisonous to drink.(河流中的化学泄漏使水变得有毒,不能饮用。)

5. The plant emits a poisonous gas that can be harmful if inhaled.(这种植物释放出一种有毒气体,如果吸入可能会有害。)

6. It's important to teach children to avoid touching or eating anything that could be poisonous.(教育孩子们要避免接触或食用可能有毒的东西很重要。)

7. The effects of the poisonous spider bite were severe, requiring immediate medical attention.(毒蜘蛛咬伤的影响很严重,需要立即就医。)

8. The chef warned us not to consume any of the potentially poisonous seafood.(厨师警告我们不要吃任何可能有毒的海鲜。)

9. The factory was shut down after it was discovered that it was releasing poisonous chemicals into the air.(发现该工厂向空气中释放有毒化学物质后被关闭。)

10. The scientist studied the effects of various poisonous substances on the human body.(科学家研究了各种有毒物质对人体的影响。)

11. The fumes from the fire were poisonous, causing many people to become ill.(火灾释放的烟雾有毒,导致许多人生病。)

12. The warning label on the cleaning product indicated that it contained poisonous ingredients.(清洁产品的警告标签表明其含有有毒成分。)

13. The venom of the scorpion is highly poisonous and can cause paralysis.(蝎子的毒液非常有毒,可能导致瘫痪。)

14. The pollution in the river has made the fish and other aquatic life poisonous to eat.(河流的污染使鱼类和其他水生生物变得有毒,不能食用。)

15. The doctor administered an antidote to counteract the effects of the poisonous snake bite.(医生给患者注射了解毒剂以对抗毒蛇咬伤的影响。)

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