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时间: 2024-10-06 21:56:52


1. My niece is turning 10 next month and we're planning a big birthday party for her.(我的侄女下个月就要10岁了,我们正在为她筹备一个盛大的生日派对。)

2. I took my niece to the park and we had a great time playing on the swings and slides.(我带我的侄女去了公园,我们在秋千和滑梯上玩得很开心。)

3. My niece is so talented, she won first place in the school art competition.(我的侄女太有天赋了,她在学校的艺术比赛中获得了第一名。)

4. I love spending time with my niece, she always brings so much joy into my life.(我喜欢和我的侄女在一起,她总是给我的生活带来很多快乐。)

5. My niece is visiting us for the summer, and I can't wait to take her to the beach.(我的侄女这个夏天要来我们家玩,我迫不及待地想带她去海滩。)

6. I bought a special gift for my niece's graduation, she was so happy when she received it.(我为我的侄女的毕业买了一个特别的礼物,她收到后非常高兴。)

7. I often babysit my niece on weekends, and we have a lot of fun together.(我经常在周末照顾我的侄女,我们在一起总是很开心。)

8. My niece is very close to her grandparents, she loves spending time with them.(我的侄女和她的祖父母关系非常亲密,她喜欢和他们在一起。)

9. I'm taking my niece to the zoo tomorrow, she's excited to see all the animals.(我明天要带我的侄女去动物园,她非常期待能看到所有的动物。)

10. My niece has a great sense of humor, she always makes everyone laugh.(我的侄女幽默感很强,她总是让大家笑个不停。)

11. I'm so proud of my niece for getting accepted into her dream college.(我的侄女被她梦想的大学录取,我为她感到非常骄傲。)

12. My niece loves to bake, and she makes the most delicious cookies.(我的侄女喜欢烘焙,她做的饼干最美味。)

13. My niece is a talented musician, she plays the piano beautifully.(我的侄女是一个有天赋的音乐家,她弹钢琴弹得很漂亮。)

14. I can't believe how fast my niece is growing up, it feels like just yesterday she was a little baby.(我简直不敢相信我的侄女长得这么快,感觉就像昨天她还是个小宝宝。)

15. My niece is always full of energy, she never seems to run out of things to do.(我的侄女总是充满活力,似乎永远也不会做完所有的事情。)

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