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时间: 2024-09-28 21:43:52


1. In my opinion, this movie is the best of the year. (在我看来,这部电影是今年最好的。)

2. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. (每个人都有权利发表自己的观点。)

3. I respect your opinion, but I disagree. (我尊重你的看法,但我不同意。)

4. It's just my opinion, but I think we should take a different approach. (这只是我的意见,但我认为我们应该采取不同的方法。)

5. Can I ask for your opinion on this matter? (我能请教一下你对这件事的看法吗?)

6. In my opinion, the new policy will have a positive impact on the company. (我认为,新政策将对公司产生积极的影响。)

7. Your opinion matters to me. (我在乎你的看法。)

8. She expressed her opinion with confidence. (她自信地表达了自己的意见。)

9. It's just my personal opinion, but I think we should reconsider our strategy. (这只是我的个人观点,但我认为我们应该重新考虑我们的策略。)

10. We are conducting a survey to gather opinions from the community. (我们正在进行一项调查,以收集社区的意见。)

11. I value your opinion and would like to hear more. (我重视你的意见,想多听听。)

12. The committee will consider all opinions before making a decision. (委员会在做出决定之前会考虑所有的意见。)

13. His opinion on the matter is well-informed and thoughtful. (他对这个问题的看法是充分了解和深思熟虑的。)

14. It's just my humble opinion, but I think we should give it a try. (这只是我的谦虚意见,但我认为我们应该试一试。)

15. The CEO's opinion carries a lot of weight in the company. (CEO的意见在公司中具有很大的影响力。)

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