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时间: 2024-09-20 08:11:48


1. I bought a delicious orange from the market. (我从市场买了一个美味的橙子。)

2. The sunset painted the sky a beautiful shade of orange. (夕阳把天空染成了美丽的橙色。)

3. She wore a bright orange dress to the party. (她穿了一条鲜艳的橙色连衣裙去参加派对。)

4. The cat played with an orange ball in the garden. (猫在花园里玩橙色的球。)

5. Orange is a popular color for autumn decorations. (橙色是秋季装饰的流行颜色。)

6. The orange juice tasted sweet and refreshing. (橙汁尝起来又甜又清爽。)

7. The basketball team's uniforms were bright orange. (篮球队的队服是鲜艳的橙色。)

8. The orange tabby cat purred contentedly on the windowsill. (橙色虎斑猫在窗台上舒适地呜咕着。)

9. She peeled an orange and shared the segments with her friends. (她剥了一个橙子,把果肉分给了朋友们。)

10. The orange blossom scent filled the air in the garden. (橙花的香味弥漫在花园里。)

11. The traffic cones were painted a bright orange for visibility. (交通锥为了更容易被看见,被涂成了鲜艳的橙色。)

12. The sunset cast an orange glow over the city skyline. (夕阳在城市天际线上投下了橙色的光芒。)

13. She added a slice of orange to her cocktail for garnish. (她在鸡尾酒里加了一片橙子作为装饰。)

14. The artist used shades of orange to create a vibrant painting. (艺术家用橙色调创作了一幅充满活力的画作。)

15. The orange light of the street lamps illuminated the road. (路灯的橙色光芒照亮了道路。)

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