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时间: 2024-09-20 08:17:46


1. The orchestra performed a beautiful symphony at the concert last night.(乐队昨晚在音乐会上演奏了一首美妙的交响乐。)

2. She plays the violin in the school orchestra.(她在学校管弦乐团里拉小提琴。)

3. The conductor led the orchestra with great passion and energy.(指挥家以极大的热情和能量指挥着管弦乐队。)

4. The orchestra is rehearsing for their upcoming performance.(管弦乐队正在排练即将到来的演出。)

5. The orchestra's rendition of the classic piece was truly captivating.(管弦乐队对经典乐曲的演绎真是令人着迷。)

6. The orchestra consists of talented musicians from all over the world.(管弦乐队由来自世界各地的才华横溢的音乐家组成。)

7. The orchestra's performance filled the concert hall with beautiful music.(管弦乐队的演出让音乐厅充满了美妙的音乐。)

8. The orchestra's conductor is renowned for his innovative interpretations of classical pieces.(管弦乐队的指挥因其对古典作品的创新诠释而闻名。)

9. The orchestra's sound filled the room, creating a magical atmosphere.(管弦乐队的声音充满了房间,营造出了神奇的氛围。)

10. The orchestra's performance received a standing ovation from the audience.(管弦乐队的表演受到了观众们的起立鼓掌。)

11. The orchestra's conductor meticulously fine-tuned the musicians' performance.(管弦乐队的指挥精心调整了音乐家的表演。)

12. The orchestra played a crucial role in enhancing the emotional impact of the opera.(管弦乐队在增强歌剧的情感冲击力方面起着至关重要的作用。)

13. The orchestra's rendition of the concerto was both powerful and moving.(管弦乐队对协奏曲的演绎既有力量又感人。)

14. The orchestra's performance showcased the depth of their musical talent.(管弦乐队的表演展示了他们音乐才华的深度。)

15. The orchestra's performance added a layer of grandeur to the event.(管弦乐队的表演为活动增添了一层庄严的氛围。)



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