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时间: 2024-09-28 21:42:47


1. The outer layer of the Earth is called the crust. (地球的外层被称为地壳。)

2. She wore a warm jacket to protect herself from the outer cold. (她穿着一件保暖的夹克来抵御外面的寒冷。)

3. The outer edge of the table was chipped. (桌子的外边缘有磕碰。)

4. The outer space is full of mysteries waiting to be explored. (外太空充满了等待探索的神秘。)

5. The outer appearance of the building was impressive. (建筑物的外观令人印象深刻。)

6. They walked along the outer perimeter of the castle. (他们沿着城堡的外围走去。)

7. The outer layer of the onion is dry and papery. (洋葱的外层是干燥而纸质的。)

8. The outer door was left open, letting in a cold draft. (外面的门被留开了,冷风灌进来了。)

9. The outer shell of the turtle provides protection from predators. (乌龟的外壳能保护它免受捕食者的伤害。)

10. The outer appearance of the package was nondescript. (包裹的外观毫无特色。)

11. He preferred to stay in the outer room rather than the crowded inner chamber. (他更喜欢呆在外间而不是拥挤的内室。)

12. The outer layer of the cake was coated with chocolate. (蛋糕的外层裹上了巧克力。)

13. The outer atmosphere of the planet is composed of various gases. (行星的外大气层由各种气体组成。)

14. The outer garment protected her from the rain. (外套保护她不受雨水的侵袭。)

15. The outer wall of the fort was reinforced with sturdy bricks. (要塞的外墙用坚固的砖块加固了。)

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