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时间: 2024-09-21 10:46:55


1. The kayak glided smoothly through the water as the paddler skillfully maneuvered the paddle. (这艘小船在水中平稳地滑行,划手熟练地操控着桨。)

2. The dragon boat team synchronized their paddles to propel the boat forward with great speed. (龙舟队员们齐心协力,同步划桨,使船以极快的速度前进。)

3. She used a paddle to stir the soup in the pot, making sure it didn't stick to the bottom. (她用木铲搅拌锅里的汤,确保它不会粘在锅底。)

4. The canoeist gripped the paddle tightly as they navigated through the rough rapids. (划船者紧紧握住桨,穿越汹涌的急流。)

5. The instructor demonstrated the correct technique for using the paddle to steer the raft down the river. (教练演示了正确的使用桨来驾驶筏子下河的技巧。)

6. The children had fun splashing each other with paddles in the pool. (孩子们在游泳池里玩得很开心,用桨互相泼水。)

7. He used a paddle to push the boat away from the dock and into the open water. (他用桨把船推离码头,驶向开阔的水域。)

8. The tour guide explained how the indigenous people used paddles to navigate their canoes through the intricate network of waterways. (导游解释了土著人民如何用桨在错综复杂的水道网络中驾驶他们的独木舟。)

9. The paddle boarder gracefully maneuvered through the waves, standing upright on the board. (站在板上,桨手优雅地在波浪中穿行。)

10. The team members coordinated their paddling to propel the boat across the finish line in first place. (团队成员协调划桨,使船在第一名的位置横穿终点线。)

11. She used a paddle to gently guide the ducklings towards the safety of the pond. (她用桨轻柔地引导小鸭子朝着池塘的安全地带前进。)

12. The kayak rental company provided life jackets and paddles to all customers for their safety. (划艇租赁公司为所有顾客提供救生衣和桨,以确保他们的安全。)

13. The experienced paddler effortlessly steered the canoe through the narrow waterway. (经验丰富的划手轻松地驾驶着独木舟穿过狭窄的水道。)

14. The children decorated their paddles with colorful ribbons for the boat parade. (孩子们用彩色丝带装饰他们的桨,为船只游行增添了色彩。)

15. The guide taught the tourists how to use the paddle to maintain balance while stand-up paddleboarding. (导游教游客如何在站立划桨板上使用桨来保持平衡。)

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