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时间: 2024-09-21 12:59:57


1. The pain in her knee made it difficult for her to walk.(她膝盖的疼痛使她难以行走。)

2. He winced in pain as the doctor examined his injured arm.(医生检查他受伤的手臂时,他因疼痛而畏缩。)

3. The sharp pain in his chest made him call for an ambulance.(他胸口的剧痛使他呼叫救护车。)

4. She couldn't hide the pain in her eyes when she heard the bad news.(当她听到坏消息时,她眼中的痛苦无法掩饰。)

5. The pain from her toothache was unbearable, so she went to the dentist immediately.(她牙痛的疼痛难以忍受,于是她立即去看牙医。)

6. The pain of losing her beloved pet was overwhelming.(失去心爱的宠物带来的痛苦是无法承受的。)

7. The pain in his back was a constant reminder of his old injury.(他背部的疼痛是对他旧伤的不断提醒。)

8. The pain of regretting his actions haunted him for years.(对自己行为后悔的痛苦困扰着他多年。)

9. The pain of betrayal was evident in her voice as she confronted her friend.(当她面对她的朋友时,她声音中的背叛之痛显而易见。)

10. The pain in his joints made it hard for him to get out of bed in the morning.(他关节的疼痛使他早上起床困难。)

11. She clenched her fists to try to distract herself from the pain.(她握紧拳头试图分散疼痛的注意力。)

12. The emotional pain of rejection was almost as bad as the physical pain.(被拒绝的情感痛苦几乎和身体疼痛一样糟糕。)

13. The pain of loss lingered long after the funeral.(失去的痛苦在葬礼之后还持续很久。)

14. He tried to mask the pain with a forced smile, but his eyes revealed the truth.(他试图用勉强的微笑掩饰痛苦,但他的眼睛透露了真相。)

15. The pain in her voice was palpable as she recounted the traumatic experience.(当她叙述创伤经历时,她的声音中的痛苦是明显的。)

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