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时间: 2024-09-22 03:13:49


1. She greeted her old pal with a warm hug. (她用热情的拥抱迎接她的老朋友。)

2. My pal and I are planning a hiking trip next weekend. (我和我的伙伴计划下周末去徒步旅行。)

3. They have been pals since they were in kindergarten. (他们从幼儿园起就是好朋友。)

4. He's my pal, but sometimes he can be a bit annoying. (他是我的朋友,但有时他会有点烦人。)

5. I'll ask my pal to help us move the furniture. (我会请我的朋友帮忙搬家具。)

6. She's been my pal through thick and thin. (她一直是我的好朋友,风雨同舟。)

7. My pal lent me some money when I was in a tough spot. (我陷入困境时,我的朋友借给了我一些钱。)

8. The two dogs have been pals ever since they met at the park. (这两只狗自从在公园相遇后就成了好朋友。)

9. We used to be pals, but we've drifted apart over the years. (我们曾经是好朋友,但多年来我们渐行渐远。)

10. He's my drinking pal, we always go out for a beer after work. (他是我的饮酒伙伴,我们总是下班后一起去喝啤酒。)

11. My pal is a great cook, she always makes delicious meals. (我的朋友是个很棒的厨师,她总是做出美味的饭菜。)

12. The two kids became pals after playing together at the playground. (这两个孩子在游乐场玩耍后成了好朋友。)

13. We've been best pals since high school. (我们从高中起就是最好的朋友。)

14. I always turn to my pal for advice when I need it. (当我需要建议时,我总是向我的朋友求助。)

15. My pal and I share a love for classic movies. (我和我的伙伴都喜欢经典电影。)

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