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时间: 2024-09-20 01:09:23


1. The soldiers were sent out on a patrol to monitor the area for any signs of enemy activity.(士兵们被派去巡逻,监视该地区是否有敌军活动的迹象。)

2. The police officer went on a late-night patrol to ensure the safety of the neighborhood.(警察进行了深夜巡逻,以确保社区的安全。)

3. The security guards conducted a thorough patrol of the building to check for any security breaches.(保安人员对建筑进行了彻底的巡逻,以检查是否存在安全漏洞。)

4. The border patrol intercepted a group of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border.(边境巡逻队拦截了一群试图越境的非法移民。)

5. The park ranger went on a wildlife patrol to ensure the protection of endangered species.(公园管理员进行了野生动物巡逻,以确保濒危物种的保护。)

6. The coast guard conducted a search and rescue patrol to assist a stranded fishing boat.(海岸警卫队进行了搜救巡逻,协助一艘滞留的渔船。)

7. The neighborhood watch volunteers organized a nightly patrol to deter criminal activity.(社区巡逻志愿者组织了夜间巡逻,以阻止犯罪活动。)

8. The military drones were deployed for aerial patrol of the enemy's positions.(军用无人机被部署用于对敌人阵地的空中巡逻。)

9. The security company provides 24-hour patrol services for commercial properties.(安保公司为商业物业提供全天候巡逻服务。)

10. The patrol car cruised through the streets, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity.(巡逻车在街道上巡游,留意任何可疑活动。)

11. The border patrol agents apprehended several individuals attempting to smuggle contraband across the border.(边境巡逻特工逮捕了几名试图走私违禁品越境的人。)

12. The forest rangers set out on a forest patrol to monitor for any signs of illegal logging.(森林管理员出发进行了森林巡逻,以监视是否存在非法砍伐的迹象。)

13. The patrol boat patrolled the coastline to ensure the safety of maritime traffic.(巡逻船在海岸线上巡逻,以确保海上交通的安全。)

14. The police officers conducted a drug enforcement patrol in high-crime areas.(警察在高犯罪区域进行了毒品执法巡逻。)

15. The security company hired additional personnel to expand their patrol coverage.(安保公司雇佣了额外人员来扩大他们的巡逻范围。)

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