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时间: 2024-09-17 14:02:50


1. The peaceful sound of the ocean waves helped me relax and unwind.(海浪的平静声音帮助我放松和舒缓。)

2. The village is known for its peaceful atmosphere and friendly locals.(这个村庄以宁静的氛围和友好的当地人而闻名。)

3. After a long day at work, I enjoy taking a peaceful walk in the park.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢在公园里散步放松。)

4. The protesters were determined to hold a peaceful demonstration.(抗议者决心举行一次和平示威。)

5. The artist's paintings often depict peaceful scenes of nature.(这位艺术家的画作经常描绘自然的宁静场景。)

6. We found a peaceful spot by the lake to have a picnic.(我们在湖边找到了一个宁静的地方野餐。)

7. Meditation helps me achieve a peaceful state of mind.(冥想帮助我达到内心的宁静状态。)

8. The ceasefire agreement brought a period of peaceful coexistence between the two countries.(停火协议带来了两国之间的和平共处时期。)

9. The old man spent his days in peaceful solitude, enjoying the quiet of his surroundings.(老人在宁静的孤独中度过他的日子,享受着周围的宁静。)

10. The monastery was a place of peaceful reflection and spiritual growth.(修道院是一个宁静的反思和精神成长的地方。)

11. The children played peacefully in the garden, laughing and having fun.(孩子们在花园里和平地玩耍,笑声不断。)

12. The peaceful resolution of the conflict was a relief for everyone involved.(和平解决冲突对所有相关人员来说都是一种解脱。)

13. The peaceful protest was a powerful display of unity and determination.(和平抗议是对团结和决心的有力展示。)

14. The mountain retreat offered a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.(山区避难所为人们提供了远离城市生活喧嚣的宁静之处。)

15. The sunset painted the sky in peaceful hues of pink and orange.(夕阳将天空染成宁静的粉红和橙色。)

上一个 【英语】peace的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】peacefully的例句



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