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时间: 2024-09-17 13:36:51


1. The hikers reached the peak of the mountain just as the sun began to rise.(当太阳开始升起时,徒步旅行者们到达了山顶。)

2. Sales of the product reached their peak during the holiday season.(该产品在假期季节达到了销售高峰。)

3. The stock market reached its peak before experiencing a significant decline.(股市在经历了显著下跌之前达到了顶峰。)

4. The athlete's performance reached its peak during the championship race.(这位运动员在锦标赛比赛中表现达到了巅峰。)

5. The company's profits peaked last year before declining in the current fiscal year.(公司去年利润达到了峰值,而在本财年下降。)

6. The mountain peak was covered in snow, creating a stunning winter landscape.(山峰被雪覆盖,形成了令人惊叹的冬季景观。)

7. The peak of her career came when she was appointed as the CEO of the company.(她事业的巅峰是当她被任命为公司的首席执行官。)

8. The population of the city reached its peak in the 1990s before gradually declining.(这座城市的人口在上世纪九十年代达到了峰值,然后逐渐下降。)

9. The peak of the housing market led to soaring prices and increased demand.(房地产市场的高峰导致了价格飙升和需求增加。)

10. The peak of the mountain was shrouded in mist, creating an ethereal atmosphere.(山顶被薄雾笼罩,营造出一种超凡脱俗的氛围。)

11. Her singing career reached its peak when she performed at the prestigious music festival.(她的歌唱事业在参加著名音乐节时达到了巅峰。)

12. The peak of the economic boom saw a surge in construction projects and job opportunities.(经济繁荣的高峰期出现了建设项目和就业机会的激增。)

13. The peak of the wave crashed against the rocks, creating a dramatic spray of water.(浪峰冲击在岩石上,形成了戏剧性的水花。)

14. The peak of the housing market led to a shortage of affordable homes for many families.(房地产市场的高峰导致了许多家庭无法负担得起的住房短缺。)

15. The peak of his fame came after the release of his award-winning novel.(他的名声在获奖小说出版后达到了巅峰。)

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