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时间: 2024-09-19 11:41:33


1. The farmer used pesticides to control the pest population in his crops. (农民使用杀虫剂控制作物中的害虫数量。)

2. The restaurant had to call in an exterminator to deal with a pest infestation in the kitchen. (餐厅不得不请来灭虫工人处理厨房的害虫侵扰。)

3. The mosquito is a common pest in many parts of the world, spreading diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. (蚊子是世界许多地方常见的害虫,传播疟疾和登革热等疾病。)

4. We need to find a way to keep pests out of our garden without using harmful chemicals. (我们需要找到一种方法,在不使用有害化学品的情况下防止害虫进入我们的花园。)

5. The termites were causing significant damage to the wooden structure of the house, so the homeowners had to address the pest problem immediately. (白蚁对房屋的木质结构造成了重大损害,因此业主们必须立即解决害虫问题。)

6. The company had to shut down for a few days in order to fumigate the building and eliminate a pest problem. (公司不得不关闭几天以进行熏蒸处理,消除害虫问题。)

7. The gardeners set up traps to catch the pests that were destroying the plants. (园丁设置了陷阱来捕捉破坏植物的害虫。)

8. The government launched a campaign to educate the public about the dangers of certain pests and how to prevent their spread. (政府发起了一项宣传活动,向公众宣传某些害虫的危险以及如何预防它们的传播。)

9. The pest control company recommended sealing up any cracks or openings in the building to prevent pests from entering. (灭虫公司建议封闭建筑物中的任何裂缝或开口,以防止害虫进入。)

10. The farmer used natural predators like ladybugs to control the pest population in his fields. (农民利用瓢虫等天敌来控制田地中的害虫数量。)

11. The restaurant owner had to throw away a lot of food due to a pest infestation in the pantry. (由于食品储藏室的害虫侵扰,餐厅老板不得不扔掉许多食物。)

12. The health department conducted an inspection of the restaurant to ensure it was free from pests and other sanitation issues. (卫生部门对餐厅进行了检查,以确保它没有害虫和其他卫生问题。)

13. The pest problem in the office building became so severe that employees were complaining of bites and itching. (办公楼的害虫问题变得如此严重,以至于员工们抱怨受到咬伤和瘙痒。)

14. The homeowner tried using natural remedies like neem oil to repel pests from the garden. (业主尝试使用印楝油等天然方法来驱赶花园里的害虫。)

15. The city implemented a recycling program to reduce the amount of food waste that was attracting pests. (城市实施了回收计划,以减少吸引害虫的食物废弃物数量。)

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