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时间: 2024-10-05 22:51:32


1. The placement of the furniture in the room was carefully designed to maximize space and functionality.(房间内的家具摆放经过精心设计,以最大限度地利用空间和功能。)

2. She secured a placement at a top advertising agency for her internship.(她在一家顶级广告公司获得了实习机会。)

3. The placement of the new sculpture in the park drew mixed reactions from the public.(公园里新雕塑的摆放引起了公众不同的反应。)

4. The school offers work placements to help students gain practical experience in their field of study.(学校提供工作实习机会,帮助学生在他们的专业领域获得实际经验。)

5. The placement of the security cameras around the building was strategically planned to cover all angles.(建筑周围安装安全摄像头的位置是经过战略规划的,以覆盖所有角度。)

6. He received a placement offer from a prestigious law firm after completing his studies.(在完成学业后,他收到了一家知名律师事务所的就业机会。)

7. The placement of the advertisement in the magazine greatly increased the product's visibility.(在杂志上刊登广告大大提高了产品的知名度。)

8. The company provides job placements for individuals with disabilities to promote inclusivity in the workforce.(该公司为残障人士提供就业机会,以促进职场的包容性。)

9. She is currently on a work placement abroad to gain international experience in her field.(她目前正在国外的工作实习中,以获得其领域的国际经验。)

10. The placement of the ingredients on the kitchen counter made it easy for her to follow the recipe.(厨房台面上食材的摆放使她很容易按照食谱进行烹饪。)

11. The university has strong connections with industry partners to facilitate student placements in relevant companies.(该大学与行业合作伙伴有着紧密联系,以便学生在相关公司获得实习机会。)

12. The strategic placement of the new retail store in the city center attracted a large number of customers.(在市中心的战略性摆放,吸引了大量顾客。)

13. The placement of the art pieces in the gallery was curated to create a specific visual impact on visitors.(画廊内的艺术品摆放是经过策展的,以对游客产生特定的视觉冲击。)

14. After completing the training program, she was offered a permanent placement with the company.(完成培训计划后,她获得了公司的永久工作机会。)

15. The correct placement of the stamps on the envelope is essential for proper postage.(正确地在信封上放置邮票对于正确的邮资是至关重要的。)

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