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时间: 2024-09-29 01:41:23


1. Many children in the region suffer from poverty and lack access to basic necessities such as food and clean water.(许多地区的儿童遭受贫困之苦,缺乏食物和清洁水等基本生活必需品。)

2. The government's initiatives aim to alleviate poverty and improve living standards for the most vulnerable members of society.(政府的倡议旨在减轻贫困,改善社会中最弱势群体的生活水平。)

3. Poverty is a complex issue that requires comprehensive strategies and long-term solutions.(贫困是一个复杂的问题,需要全面的策略和长期的解决方案。)

4. The effects of poverty on mental health can be devastating, leading to increased stress and anxiety.(贫困对心理健康的影响可能是毁灭性的,导致压力和焦虑增加。)

5. Despite their hard work, many families still struggle to escape the cycle of poverty.(尽管他们辛勤劳作,许多家庭仍然在摆脱贫困循环方面苦苦挣扎。)

6. The charity organization focuses on providing education and vocational training to help people break free from poverty.(该慈善组织专注于提供教育和职业培训,帮助人们摆脱贫困。)

7. The documentary shed light on the harsh realities of poverty in urban slums.(这部纪录片揭示了城市贫民窟中贫困的严酷现实。)

8. Living in poverty can limit access to healthcare, leading to increased health risks for individuals and families.(生活在贫困中可能限制了对医疗保健的获取,增加了个人和家庭的健康风险。)

9. The government's social welfare programs aim to provide assistance to those living in poverty.(政府的社会福利计划旨在为生活在贫困中的人们提供帮助。)

10. Poverty often leads to a lack of opportunities for economic and social advancement.(贫困经常导致经济和社会进步机会的缺乏。)

11. The community came together to support families affected by poverty, offering food and clothing donations.(社区齐心协力支持受贫困影响的家庭,提供食物和衣物捐赠。)

12. Studies have shown that investing in education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of poverty.(研究表明,投资教育是打破贫困循环的最有效途径之一。)

13. Poverty can lead to social exclusion and a sense of hopelessness for those affected.(贫困可能导致被影响者的社会排斥和绝望感。)

14. The organization provides microloans to entrepreneurs in poverty-stricken areas to help them start small businesses.(该组织向贫困地区的企业家提供小额贷款,帮助他们创办小型企业。)

15. Addressing the root causes of poverty requires a multi-faceted approach, including economic, social, and political interventions.(解决贫困根源需要多方面的方法,包括经济、社会和政治干预。)

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