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时间: 2024-09-28 21:45:33


1. The president has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress. (总统有权否决国会通过的立法。)

2. The power went out during the storm, leaving the entire neighborhood in darkness. (风暴期间停电了,整个社区都处在黑暗之中。)

3. She used her power and influence to help secure funding for the new hospital. (她利用自己的权力和影响力帮助确保了新医院的资金。)

4. The power of nature was evident in the destructive force of the hurricane. (自然的力量在飓风的破坏力中表现出来。)

5. The power of love can heal wounds and bring people together. (爱的力量可以治愈伤痛,把人们团结在一起。)

6. The power plant supplies electricity to the entire city. (发电厂为整个城市供电。)

7. The dictator ruled the country with an iron fist, using his power to suppress dissent. (独裁者以铁腕统治国家,利用他的权力镇压异议。)

8. She felt a surge of power as she crossed the finish line of the race. (她在赛跑终点线前感到一股力量的激增。)

9. The power of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and do business. (科技的力量已经彻底改变了我们的交流和商业方式。)

10. The power struggle within the company led to a change in leadership. (公司内部的权力斗争导致了领导层的变动。)

11. The superhero used his powers to save the city from destruction. (超级英雄利用自己的超能力拯救了城市免遭毁灭。)

12. The power of positive thinking can have a profound impact on one's life. (积极思考的力量可以对一个人的生活产生深远的影响。)

13. The power of the ocean waves is both beautiful and awe-inspiring. (海浪的力量既美丽又令人敬畏。)

14. The power of music can evoke strong emotions and memories. (音乐的力量可以唤起强烈的情感和回忆。)

15. The power couple in the entertainment industry is known for their influence and success. (这对娱乐圈的势力夫妇以他们的影响力和成功而闻名。)

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