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时间: 2024-09-29 00:49:32


1. I am presently working on a new project at work. (我目前正在工作中的新项目上)

2. The store is presently closed for renovation. (商店目前因装修而关闭)

3. Presently, we are focusing on expanding our market share. (目前,我们正专注于扩大市场份额)

4. He is presently studying for his exams. (他目前正在为考试而学习)

5. The train is presently delayed due to technical issues. (火车目前因技术问题而延误)

6. I am presently unable to attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict. (由于时间冲突,我目前无法参加会议)

7. The company is presently experiencing a period of rapid growth. (公司目前正在经历快速增长的时期)

8. Presently, she is living in New York City. (她目前住在纽约市)

9. The weather is presently quite unpredictable. (天气目前相当不可预测)

10. Presently, the team is in first place in the league. (目前,球队在联赛中排名第一)

11. I am presently reading a fascinating book about ancient history. (我目前正在阅读一本关于古代历史的迷人书籍)

12. Presently, he is the CEO of a successful company. (目前,他是一家成功公司的CEO)

13. The project is presently on hold until further notice. (该项目目前暂停,直到另行通知)

14. Presently, there are no available seats for the concert. (目前,音乐会的座位已经售罄)

15. She is presently in a meeting and cannot be disturbed. (她目前正在开会,不能被打扰)


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