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时间: 2024-09-29 00:42:20


1. The proposed changes to the tax code sparked a heated debate in Congress.(对税法的建议性修改在国会引发了激烈的辩论。)

2. The proposed new school policy aims to improve student performance and well-being.(拟议的新校规旨在提高学生的表现和幸福感。)

3. The proposed budget cuts have raised concerns among government employees.(拟议的预算削减引发了政府雇员的担忧。)

4. The proposed construction project has faced opposition from local residents.(拟议的建设项目遭到了当地居民的反对。)

5. The proposed merger between the two companies is still pending regulatory approval.(两家公司之间的拟议合并仍在等待监管部门的批准。)

6. The proposed new law seeks to address environmental concerns.(拟议的新法律旨在解决环境问题。)

7. The proposed changes to the healthcare system have been met with mixed reactions from the public.(对医疗系统的拟议修改引发了公众褒贬不一的反应。)

8. The proposed expansion of the airport has been a contentious issue in the local community.(对机场的拟议扩建在当地社区引发了争议。)

9. The proposed curriculum changes aim to better prepare students for the workforce.(拟议的课程变化旨在更好地为学生的职场就业做准备。)

10. The proposed trade agreement has been the subject of negotiations between the two countries.(拟议的贸易协议一直是两国之间的谈判议题。)

11. The proposed new housing development has been met with resistance from environmental groups.(拟议的新住房开发遭到了环保团体的抵制。)

12. The proposed policy changes aim to reduce income inequality in the country.(拟议的政策变化旨在减少该国的收入不平等。)

13. The proposed new technology promises to revolutionize the industry.(拟议的新技术承诺革新这个行业。)

14. The proposed legislation seeks to address issues of social justice.(拟议的立法旨在解决社会正义问题。)

15. The proposed reforms have been met with skepticism from the opposition party.(拟议的改革遭到了反对党的怀疑。)

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