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时间: 2024-09-29 00:44:42


1. She tried to prove her innocence by providing an alibi. (她试图通过提供不在场证明来证明自己的清白。)

2. The scientist conducted experiments to prove his theory. (科学家进行实验来证明他的理论。)

3. Can you prove that you are telling the truth? (你能证明你在说真话吗?)

4. The lawyer presented evidence to prove the defendant's guilt. (律师提供证据证明被告的罪行。)

5. It's difficult to prove whether ghosts exist or not. (很难证明鬼魂是否存在。)

6. The successful completion of the project will prove our capabilities. (项目的成功完成将证明我们的能力。)

7. The student proved his proficiency in mathematics by solving complex problems. (学生通过解决复杂问题证明了他在数学方面的能力。)

8. The new drug has yet to be proven effective. (这种新药是否有效尚未得到证实。)

9. She wanted to prove herself in a male-dominated industry. (她想在男性主导的行业证明自己。)

10. The company aims to prove its commitment to sustainability through its eco-friendly initiatives. (公司旨在通过生态友好的举措证明其对可持续发展的承诺。)

11. The detective worked tirelessly to prove the suspect's guilt. (侦探不懈努力地证明嫌疑人的罪行。)

12. The athlete's performance in the competition proved her dedication to training. (运动员在比赛中的表现证明了她对训练的投入。)

13. The historical documents help to prove the authenticity of the artifact. (历史文件有助于证明文物的真实性。)

14. The DNA evidence proved the suspect's involvement in the crime. (DNA证据证明了嫌疑人参与了犯罪。)

15. Their actions will prove whether they are trustworthy or not. (他们的行为将证明他们是否值得信赖。)

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