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时间: 2024-09-29 00:42:51


1. The company made a provision for potential losses in its financial statements. (公司在财务报表中为可能的损失做了准备。)

2. The provision of food and shelter is essential for the refugees. (为难民提供食物和住所是至关重要的。)

3. The new law includes a provision for stricter penalties for environmental violations. (新法律包括对环境违规行为实施更严厉处罚的规定。)

4. The hotel has a provision for late check-out, but it may incur an additional fee. (酒店有延迟退房的规定,但可能会产生额外费用。)

5. The company's provision for employee training shows its commitment to professional development. (公司对员工培训的准备表明了其对职业发展的承诺。)

6. The school has a provision for students with special needs, including extra support and resources. (学校为有特殊需求的学生提供额外的支持和资源。)

7. The contract includes a provision for early termination under certain conditions. (合同包括在特定条件下提前终止的规定。)

8. The provision of emergency medical care saved the hiker's life. (提供紧急医疗护理挽救了远足者的生命。)

9. The budget includes a provision for upgrading the company's IT infrastructure. (预算中包括了升级公司IT基础设施的准备。)

10. The government made a provision for disaster relief in the affected areas. (政府为受灾地区提供了灾害救济。)

11. The provision of clean water is a basic human right. (提供清洁水是一项基本人权。)

12. The company's provision for future expansion demonstrates its long-term vision. (公司对未来扩张的准备表明了其长远眼光。)

13. The contract includes a provision for resolving disputes through arbitration. (合同包括通过仲裁解决争端的规定。)

14. The provision of childcare services allows working parents to balance their professional and personal lives. (提供托儿服务使工作父母能够平衡工作和个人生活。)

15. The company's provision for a rainy day fund helped it weather the economic downturn. (公司对应急基金的准备帮助其度过了经济低迷期。)

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