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时间: 2024-09-29 00:42:23


1. The teacher asked the pupils to solve the math problem on the board.(老师要求学生们解答黑板上的数学问题。)

2. The pupils were excited for the upcoming field trip.(学生们对即将到来的郊游兴奋不已。)

3. The teacher noticed that one of her pupils was struggling with the assignment.(老师注意到其中一个学生在做作业时遇到了困难。)

4. The pupils eagerly raised their hands to answer the question.(学生们迫不及待地举手回答问题。)

5. The pupils lined up outside the classroom after recess.(下课后,学生们在教室外排队。)

6. The teacher praised the pupil for their excellent presentation.(老师称赞了这个学生出色的演讲。)

7. The pupils listened attentively as the teacher explained the new lesson.(学生们专心聆听老师解释新课。)

8. The pupil's parents were invited to attend the school's open house event.(学生的家长被邀请参加学校的开放日活动。)

9. The teacher reminded the pupils to bring their textbooks to the next class.(老师提醒学生们下节课带上教科书。)

10. The pupils enjoyed playing games during the school festival.(学生们在学校节日里玩得很开心。)

11. The pupil was awarded a certificate for academic achievement.(这位学生因学业成绩优异而获得了证书。)

12. The pupils formed study groups to prepare for the upcoming exam.(学生们组成学习小组,为即将到来的考试做准备。)

13. The teacher assigned a project to the pupils that required teamwork.(老师给学生们布置了一个需要团队合作的项目。)

14. The pupils eagerly participated in the school's talent show.(学生们热情参加了学校的才艺表演。)

15. The pupil's progress in reading and writing was remarkable.(这名学生在阅读和写作方面的进步非常显著。)

上一个 【英语】punishment的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】puppy的例句



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